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What is the project about?

We have designed a Training for Trainers in the field of youth work based on theories and practice equally; as a will to continue improving youth work, our organizations and Erasmus+ projects. This is a step after our previous projects (List STEP UP, Now GO! and C&E in 2018). We would like to go further with the capacity building of organizations working in Erasmus+ and providing better services for our local communities.

ToT will be a 7 days Training Course, hosted in Poland, which will gather participants from 10 countries: Poland, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Spain, France, Bulgaria, Italy, Cyprus and Portugal.

Why to participate in this project?

  • To be more efficient in our educational practice;
  • To improve youth work and the quality of training of youth workers;
  • To increase the quality of Erasmus+ programme and its opportunities;
  • To get introduced to theories of learning. To be more aware of group and goal aspects of the training;
  • To promote the good practices of NFE;
  • To open our minds to practical elements of training in youth work. To share our best practices and difficulties with our peers and share feedback for improvement.

We expect to develop innovative approaches to training related to the inclusion of youth and also create innovative training tools, test them and spread their use in future projects.

Who should apply?

Young people (18+) coming from Poland, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Spain, France, Bulgaria, Italy, Cyprus or Portugal who have already some experience in delivering workshops, or are really willing to do it in their professional future. Our training is an opportunity to develop trainer’s skills, so participants who have already some experience in this education area can increase it to start doing even better workshops or trainings. TOT is also adapted to people without experience but very strongly motivated to be a trainer!

How to apply?

You can find more information about the application process on the following link: http://abroadship.org/training-course-training-of-trainers-between-theory-and-practice-poland/. The deadline for submitting the application form is 10th April 2019!

What are the participation fees? 

There will be no participation fee while selected by the HO. For more information, please do contact the project coordinator. Costs of accommodation and food are covered, according to the Erasmus+ Programme rules. Travel costs are covered according to the participants’ distance and to the Distance calculator from the EC. Travels are covered based on real costs, up to the limit set by the programme; after the Training Course, ends and all participants’ responsibilities are fulfilled. Travel reimbursement is done based on invoices, tickets and boarding pass. It’s the participant responsibility to keep all documents necessary for reimbursement. The budget for travel reimbursements is set according to the distance done by the participant from the starting city to the venue of the TC.

Asset in the project*:

Distance Band [0-9km] – 0 eur

Distance Band [2000-2999km] – 360 eur (might be the case of participants traveling from Portugal, Turkey, Cyprus and Spain)

Distance Band [500 – 1999km] – 275 eur (might be the case of participants traveling from  Romania, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, France)*

Regarding travel reimbursements, please do read very carefully the info pack, where all information is written in detail. The project coordinator will go through each planned travel, with each participant selected to the TC, in order to make sure all is clear and according to the Erasmus+ Guide and to the Polish NA rules.


If you have any inquiries, please contact Mara Rodrigues  at madr.arenaiswiat@gmail.com.


We wish you success in the application process! 😉