Policy Documents 2017-09-14T15:26:31+00:00

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Policy Documents

Preventing HIV from early adolescence to early adulthood

This report contains important new data about why young people are key to defeating the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, including results from more than 60 new national surveys. It reaffirms that we must accord top priority to making investments in the well-being of young people and to engaging them in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

Preventing HIV from early adolescence to early adulthood

By | September 25th, 2017|0 Comments

Contraceptives and Condoms for Family Planning and STI/HIV Prevention: External Procurement Support Report – 2013

Access to reproductive health, including family planning, is recognized as a human right. Support from donors is critical to improving and ensuring the security of essential contraceptives and other life-saving reproductive health commodities. Contraceptives procured through external support constitute a significant contribution to reproductive health, including family planning and, through the dual protection provided by condoms, the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV.

Contraceptives and Condoms for Family Planning and STI/HIV Prevention: External Procurement Support Report – 2013

By | September 25th, 2017|0 Comments

Intensifying HIV Prevention

The paper defines the central actions that must be taken to arrest the spread of new HIV infections and to turn the tide against AIDS. It identifies what needs to be done to speedily and effectively bridge the HIV prevention gap, building on synergies between HIV prevention and care, and to ensure the sustainability of HIV treatment scale-up in the present context. It highlights the role of UNAIDS in relation to intensifying HIV prevention and points to ways in which jointly supportive action can be achieved.

Intensifying HIV Prevention

By | September 25th, 2017|0 Comments