The integration of young refugees: an important work to which international organizations and NGOs are committed.

Youth representing the majority of asylum seekers in UE

Young people are the people who make the most requests for asylums in EU countries. In fact, in 2015, 83% of asylum seekers were under 35 years old. 53% of the total number of asylum seekers, formulated for the first time, are young people between 18 and 34 years old. For minors, this was 29%. In view of these figures, EU member countries should implement integration and inclusion solutions for young people in this situation. Priority should be given to young refugees.

R*****e youth as facing two phases of transition

R*****e youth are vulnerable people facing a double phase of transition. On the one hand, a personal transformation due to their age and, on the other hand, the arrival in a new society of which they do not know the codes. They will have to face a world filled with uncertainty and in which they risk violence or discrimination. Added to this are the difficulties and privations they have experienced during their journey. In fact, a report published by UNICEF, entitled A right to be Heard: Listening to children and young people on the move, makes an alarming observation. For example, this survey shows that 38% of the participants were not helped by anyone, be it family, friends or institutions.

Recommendations made by various organizations to states that do not have mandatory values

Guidelines were adopted in the Council of Europe in 2019. Their aim is to guarantee additional temporary help after the age of 18 for young refugees. These guidelines are part of a Council of Europe action plan on the protection of r*****e and migrant children in Europe, which a priori seems promising for their future. Other international actors, such as UNICEF, are trying to put pressure on governments to improve the situation.  Nevertheless, the problem here is that these recommendations are not binding, they are only recommendations. It is the states that have the sovereignty to adopt and implement concrete measures to help them.

The necessary reinforcement of Youth work by NGOs and international organizations

As a result of this observation, it will be necessary to promote and strengthen the Youth Work operated by international organizations and NGOs. Programs such as Erasmus+ fund projects and activities aimed at promoting the integration of migrants in all sectors of education and training. As its name suggests, Youth Work focuses on youth, including young refugees and other young people from third countries. It is thanks to this work that young refugees will be able to benefit from non-formal education aimed at facilitating the active participation of young people and their inclusion in their communities and in decision-making.


In spite of these actions, there is still a long way to go until young refugees benefit from full respect for their rights and concrete measures for their integration.

By | 2021-01-11T16:58:14+00:00 January 11th, 2021|0 Comments

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