On August 12-20 in Warsaw, Poland, Youth Human Impact Association conducted an international youth exchange project entitled “But first, solidarity!” 💚.
A total of 25 participants came from five partner countries – Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany, Bulgaria and Poland (but in fact the participants also came from many countries: Afghanistan, India, Canada, Italy, Romania, Azerbaijan and Turkey).
The main goal of the project was to get acquainted with the concept of sustainable development and global solidarity, to find out what the Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030 are, what is its history and motives for its creation, and how we, young people, can implement them in our daily lives. implementation of the Goals under European policies (European New Green Deal, New European Bauhaus) and integrated with each other.
As part of the project, we visited the Representation of the European Commission in Poland. During the meeting, we learned more about the work of the European Commission, the objectives of the current EC policy led by Ursula von der Leyen, career opportunities for young people in the EU institutions and various aspects of work in the EC representations in various Member States.
Before two days of the project, we participated in workshops using the design thinking method, during which participants created ideas for their local initiatives implementing the Goals, learned how to create project ideas and design innovations in response to the needs of previously identified recipients, project risk management and new technologies in project management .
Detailed project objectives:
- gaining knowledge by participants about what sustainable development is, what is the history and motives for creating the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations – Agenda 2030
- a discussion of what global solidarity means
- discussion on the idea of the Sustainable Development Goals and their division into social, economic and environmental levels
- presentation and comparison by participants of how the SDGs are implemented in partner countries and in local communities; what targets are primarily taken into account in these countries
- discussion on how sticking to the Goals can affect our daily lives, the so-called real-life examples and how young people can contribute to the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals in everyday life – developing leadership skills
- creating by participants detailed concepts of social projects promoting / implementing individual Goals with support and mentoring in the field of project management
- getting to know interactive and virtual technologies and tools helpful in the implementation of their own social projects by the participants
- showing how the European Union achieves the Goals on the European policy level (discussion of the European Green Deal, New European Bauhaus programs) and how the EU helps other countries to achieve their goals – EU humanitarian programs
- creating a space for intercultural integration of participants by entering into integration activities
- ensuring active participation of project participants at every stage of project implementation.
Project partners:
Somos Europa from Spain
Y-PEER from Bulgaria
Spolek ActiTmel.cz from the Czech Republic
Zentrum für soziale Innovation from Germany.

The project was financed by the European Union under Erasmus+ programme.
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